Anthapuram and Amrita Thalam

The king’s chamber on the first floor of the Uparika Malika connects to a spacious hall, the Anthapuram or Zenana – the ladies’ quarters. The relaxed ambience of the space is enhanced by two large swinging cots suspended from the ceiling using iron chains. The two large Belgium mirrors were installed here, perhaps at a later date, when the complex was renovated and refurbished by Swathi Tirunal Rama Varma. A set of 39 paintings, all depicting episodes from the life of Sree Krishna from his childhood to his teaching of the Bhagavad Gita adds charm to the space.
Right beneath the Anthapuram, on the ground floor is the Amrita thalam, the dining space of the king, accessed from the ground floor of the Uparika Malika. In one of the polished stone pillars supporting the ceiling can be spotted a lifelike carving of a squirrel. On the western wall is a niche for keeping the swords and shields. A direct connection to the matapally, the royal kitchen, can be seen from here.